
More information about CAnMove and the research activities within the programme can be found at:


måndag 7 mars 2011

Shine a little light – nano-populism!

Through a more than an hour long telephone interview from New York, the nano-zooplankton project within CanMove has been put in the spotlight of the popular science journal OnEarth Magazine. Check out the link: http://www.onearth.org/article/shine-a-little-light if you want a popular (populistic?) presentation of the massive migratory patterns of small crustacean animals in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Or read journalist Alan Burdick's blogpost on the same topic: http://www.aburdick.com/silvarerum/2011/03/04/chasing-daphnia-the-smallest-story-on-earth/

//Lars-Anders Hansson

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